B.C. Supreme Court Justice Richard Blair is an “Underhanded, Dishonest and Fraudulent Federally Appointed Canadian Judge” who was never asked to reasonably explain his allegations nor produce his alleged evidence in an effort to support his fraudulent claims.
Shipping Roxham Road Quebec Canadian Illegal Migrants
Shipping Roxham Road Quebec Canadian Illegal Migrants Across OntarioThe following video is a Rebel News Production From Canada's Ottawa to Niagara the
Government of Canada and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau
is Shipping Roxham Road Quebec
Canadian Illegal Migrants
Across Ontario Canada By Rebel News
The Government of Canada soft border policies have been a gift for human traffickers in Plattsburgh, New York. I don't know any other way to describe them.Hour by hour, day by day, taxis and private transport vehicles pull up to the U.S. side of the Roxham Rd. Quebec, Canada border crossing to drop off migrants who then walk
illegally into Canada
. And even though the
Canadian RCMP
informs border crosser's that they're breaking the law, it doesn't seem to matter to anyone involved. Once they're here, the migrants are put up in taxpayer-funded Canadian hotels and homeless shelters all claiming a variety of reasons to be in Canada.
It is called:
Shipping Roxham Road Quebec Canadian Illegal Migrants Across Ontario
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