Canadian Judicial Council
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Richard Blair is an “Underhanded, Dishonest and Fraudulent Federally Appointed Canadian Judge” who was never asked to reasonably explain his allegations nor produce his alleged evidence in an effort to support his fraudulent claims.

Canadian Community Oriented Living Structure


Canadian Community Oriented Living Structure, Randy Hillier MPP Explains - Bright Light News
The following video is a Bright Light News -

15-Minute City Living Explained By Randy Hillier

, Former MPP. Produced By Gord Parks
15-minute cities are being promoted lockstep around the world, as convenient,

community-oriented living

. In this spoof “simulation” of a 15-minute city, Canadian Randy Hillier MPP explains how they will look in Canada.
It seems that it will take more than warning the people of Canada regarding the

Dangers posed by the Democracy of Canada

against your freedom. Most people seemingly disregard what is currently happening around them and the world in favor of a Government and fake media narrative. People must stop relying SOLY on the

ongoing narrative from main stream media

and start critical thinking once again. A de-moralized society has no room for it's own thoughts. Your thoughts are being told to you repetitively by Government, Media and all those appointed by the

Government of Canada

. It is sad that most of Canada's demoralized society has stopped thinking for themselves.. the truth no longer means anything to the ordinary Canadian. Sadly it is only after a Canadian Military BOOT kicks Canadian's in the ass... only then will Canadians understand what living without freedom means. This is the tragic of the situation.
With the

upcoming digital world surveillance

of the people including

digital currency and digital health care

, a population CULL will be initiated at some point, after the international systems are established and people are weakened further. Top world leaders will permanently remove those livestock from society that are no longer needed or are using resources of the wealthy.. a great danger that the retired and unemployed will be eliminated from society as they will be viewed as no longer needed.

World Economic Forum, which the Government of Canada continues to embrace as friends of Canada

has verbally said that they see

people as livestock animals

. People are being viewed as livestock by the Government of Canada. Interesting for many to see. Please un-mute the sound to hear the audio and expand the video to full screen if you like.
It is called:

Canadian Community Oriented Living Structure

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Canadian Judicial Council 2012 - 2025