Canadian Judicial Council
B.C. Supreme Court Justice Richard Blair is an “Underhanded, Dishonest and Fraudulent Federally Appointed Canadian Judge” who was never asked to reasonably explain his allegations nor produce his alleged evidence in an effort to support his fraudulent claims.

A FRAUDULENT Canadian Judicial Council

Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin
Kamloops Supreme Court Justice Richard Blair
The Justice Ministry within a letter states "Thank you again for writing. I regret that I am unable to help you in the way that you may have perhaps hoped" Dr. Philip Anthony White getting paid for the same attendance Judge Blair alleged to never happened is fraud. Fraud is claimed on an alleged consent.
The Justice Ministry of Canada within a letter states "With regard to your concerns with the court decisions being available on the Internet, I would like to point out that all court decisions have always been a matter of public record in Canada. This aspect of our judicial system is seen as a safeguard to fairness, openness, and democracy." The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "In the circumstances, as there is no basis for any further action by the Council pursuant to its mandate under the Judges Act, Associate Chief Justice Osborne has directed me to close the file with this reply."
The Prime Ministers office within a letter states "While careful consideration has been given to your description of the difficulties you have experienced, this office is unable to intervene in any way in this situation." The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "Please be advised that any further correspondence in this matter will remain without reply and will simply be filed."
The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "Associate Chief Justice Osborne has asked me to advise you that there is no basis for your allegations on the part of Justice Blair." The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "Please be advised that any further correspondence in this matter will remain without reply and will be simply filed."
The Justice Ministry of Canada within a letter states "I sympathize with the distress you have been experiencing. However, I must tell you that it would be inappropriate for me to comment on the particulars of this case." The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "Your allegation that the judge did not permit the examination of witnesses cannot be sustained since this was a summary trial and not a trial."
The Canadian Judicial Council within a letter states "The issue of Mr. Justice Blair"s acquaintance with the doctor was raised before the Court of Appeal which found that such a ground had no chance of success in that court." A Government accepted judicial standard permitting a judge to make serious fraudulent allegations that fail to appear anywhere within the evidence and have dinner with witnesses. Acceptance by the Prime Minister's office, Ministry of Justice and Chief Justice of Canada.

Examination into a FRAUDULENT Judgement is Prevented by Democracy of Canada and Canadian Judicial Council It is possible that this Internet Web Site may lead to more questions, some letters and documents may not appear, this is unavoidable but may be another reason why a formal examination into Justice Richard Blair should have been provided to this family in the first place. In most cases it would be Justice Blair very inability to provide thoughtful, logical answers to only a very few questions that would prove his application of evidence is unsupported. It is the intention of this Internet web site to only present relevant documents that may assist in proving fraud and corruption within Justice Blair's judgement. The intention is to make the presentation of this evidence as simple as possible to understand. This Internet web-site is not intended to debate any of the evidence. It is not to detail private health related evidence although it should be noted that the legal council appearing for the doctors openly told the court that they had no dispute with the facts regarding health issues, pain and swelling. Many.. Many years have past already.. the same health issues continue today. In simple terms by preventing the need for a formal hearing into Justice Blair's fraud, total lack of credibility and involvement with evidence the Canadian Government and Canadian Judicial Council have set a precedent that provides the ability for a constructive application and constructive elimination of legitimate evidence, exclusion of evidence that provides for benefit to judges friends and unlawful claims within future judgements. This here provides the Canadian precedent for a judge to allege fact not presented as evidence. Fraud is claimed.
Fraud on an Alleged Consent
Fraud, Judgement Construction and a total lack of credibility is claimed on the part of Kamloops Justice Richard Blair. This family is not willing to accept the current and any further unsupported, fraudulent allegations. The Democracy of Canada and Canadian Judicial Council failed to request Judge Blair produce his alleged evidence nor explain.
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Canadian Judicial Council 2012 - 2025