B.C. Supreme Court - Judicial Rule 18A Application
Justice Blair said:
[9]... The trial of this action is scheduled to take five days, commencing May 4, 1998, in Kelowna and hence there is some urgency for the issuing of these Reasons. Mr. Postnikoff included in his affidavit material a number of extracts from medical journals which I found inadmissible in this Rule 18A application. Blair, J. BLAIR J.
The Truth:
A request to have witnesses and cross-examination was requested... and rejected by Judge Blair. A court ordered, closed court room trial was beyond the control of the Plaintiff. Judge Blair made fraudulent allegations of doctor evidence that failed to appear anywhere.WARNING!!
Court Ordered Closed Court - No Witnesses Are Permitted
"The following from real court documents before Judge Blair"
40. It is respectfully submitted that the Notice of Motion be set aside on the grounds that the Honourable Court should be allowed to examine all the material facts and all the evidence that is to be presented at the trial and the examination of all the witnesses; and that a proper examination of the evidence and the facts may not be possible during this notice of Motion. Important details that I wish to present to the Honourable Court to assist the Honourable Court in making its final ruling.
I respectfully request that the Notice of Motion be set aside so that the defendants Dr. Philip Anthony White and Dr. Donald Ray Morrow; The Kelowna and District Hospital Society provide its nurses, emergency room physician and all persons having first hand, direct or personal knowledge of the facts so they are available to me by the defendants for cross examination at trial. |